Diva Crows Team
Catherine Sevcenko & Apollo
Catherine is the founder of Diva Crows. She has federal and state permits to rehabilitate orphaned and injured songbirds. She has a special fondness for crows and is the only facility in Northern Virginia that cares for injured and orphaned crows and ravens.
Apollo has been the Crow-in-Charge at Diva Crows since it was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 2020.
Sam Sparks
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Joe Capone
Joe brought a mourning dove to Diva Crows and joined the team as a transporter soon thereafter. Joe usually drives around Northern Virginia taking birds to the vet or to be released. But he’s game for just about anything, including driving a non-releasable raven to Allentown to be picked up and taken to the Cayuga Nature Center, its new home.
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